Well, let me tell you... My husband and I decided to down-size and build a smaller house. That was a difficult year long process. We sold our previous home, packed it up and moved into an apartment until our new house was built. Apartment life is not for me and don't get me started on our builder! Ugh!
Because we were in an apartment, space was limited. I tried to scrapbook but there's something about confined spaces that limits my creativity. I didn't scrap anything the entire time we were there.
Now, we are in our new home! I have a new, smaller scrapbook room and it's going to be really nice when I get everything put away. IKEA turned out to be my favorite place to shop for my scrapbook room. My desk is frickin' awesome! Actually, every storage piece in my room is fantastic! As awesome and fantastic as it is, I still haven't scrapped anything... I'm one of those types that can't cook in my kitchen unless it is completely clean. The same thing holds true for my scrapbook room. Once it's all together, I can focus!
You don't realize how much stuff you have until you try to cram it all into a smaller space! I'm going to have to sell some of the stuff I don't use anymore because there just isn't anywhere to store it.
We are almost settled into our new house but we are also doing a lot of traveling. Our son is going to be a senior in high school this year. He has a lot of colleges showing interest in him and we have started visiting them. Lots of football camps this summer, too.
I'm hoping somewhere in between decorating the house and traveling, I will have some time to scrap and share! I can at least say I've been taking pictures!
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