
Friday, September 30, 2011

Dracula's Party

A few weeks ago I got a huge spark of inspiration from Nadia Herbst-McConnell! Nadia has this awesome talent of altering Cricut images and creating incredible scenes with them! I took one of her projects and made it my own!

I felt like a real Dr. Frankenstein (or should I say Scrapenstein) working on this project! Putting different heads on different bodies, cutting legs and arms off and piecing them back together, putting different hands on arms, cutting bodies in half to make them shorter... The list of procedures goes on!

Now, let me introduce you to everyone at Dracula's party! First up, we have Serena (named after Samantha's cousin on "Bewitched"). I think she wants a martini...

Not only am I Dr. Scrapenstein, I'm also a hairstylist. Of all the cartridges I have, I couldn't find another hairstyle I liked so I had to come up with one for her and cut it by hand. I'm definitely a better doctor than a hairstylist! Now, take a look at those chandelier earrings. Simply gorgeous!

I'm sure you recognize this debonair fellow... Durwood! No! Darwin! No! Dum-Dum! No, it's Dracula! Isn't he as cool as a fan! (Actually, he is cooler than a fan... He's dead!) Martini anyone?

The lady holding the martini glass is Samantha. I know Samantha was a blond but blond hair and green skin just didn't work for me. Aren't her dress and shoes fabulous?

Samantha's hair and make-up are flawless! My hairstyling skills improved!

I'm just now noticing that I put the beauty mark on the wrong witch... Oh, well. I named them after I made them. ;)

Cricut Cartridges Used:
  • Happy Hauntings for Serena, Dracula, and Samantha's heads and spider
  • Forever Young for Serena and Samantha's bodies and dresses
  • Chic & Scary for spider webs in corner and on Serena's dress, black cat, candelabra and chandelier
  • Formal Occasion for Dracula's jacket
  • From My Kitchen for the martini shaker and glass
  • French Manor for the table
  • Pack Your Bags for Samantha's hair
  • Sentimentals for Dracula's hands
  • JT for the background paper
I think I broke a record for the most cartridges used on a single project!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Peace Love Football

So, I have this awesome video of my son sacking the other team's quarterback but I can't insert it into my post. I know how to do it but something is wrong with the video. I going to keep trying though! For now, I have my first football layout of the season! It is also my project for the die cut design team challenge for Stuck On U Sketches!

This week's challenge was to create a project that contained a heart. I have been wanting to do a football layout for weeks and didn't want to wait any longer to do one but football and hearts? My first thought was to do "I <3 Football" but it didn't really thrill me. What I did come up with is better than my first thought but I still have mixed feelings about it... I'm just not real crazy about the placement of the pictures and title.

I love the tie dyed "Peace"! My paper tie dying method is SO easy! I will post a tutorial soon! I used my Gypsy to weld the peace sign and the "P" together.

The footballs for the O's are awesome!

The heart gives the layout a nice pop of color.

Cricut Cartridges Used:
  • Feeling Groovy for the letters, peace sign, and heart.
  • Sports Mania for the footballs
Check out all of the other great projects on Stuck On U Sketches and join the challenge!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stuck On U Sketches Die Cut "Flower" Challenge

This week's challenge on Stuck On U Sketches (SOUS) was to create a project that contained a flower. Since my mother and mother-in-law's birthdays are within days of each other this month, I decided to make birthday cards for both of them using a flower.

Cricut Cartridges Used:
  • Mother's Day Bouquet for the flower layers
  • Elegant Edges for the background layer
Check out all of the other great projects on Stuck on U Sketches and join the challenge!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Are You Ready For Some Football!?!?!

The high school football season has officially started! Actually, it started two weeks ago...

I haven't made a single football layout or even posted a picture of my son in action! I at least wanted to post a video of my son sacking the quarterback but my husband hasn't gotten around to transferring it from the camera to the Mac yet.

Oh! Back in December last year, my son's high school football coach asked him if he wanted to play quarterback. So, you know I'm thinking about all those huge dudes coming after my child but if that's what he wants to do, so be it and he agreed to it.

After hiring a personal trainer for my son in January, eating 3500 calories a day (my son), and gaining 30 pounds in six weeks (5 of those were mine...), my son decided he didn't want to play quarterback... He wants to be on the defensive line! Come to find out, he rocks! I think he could play any position he sets his mind to! (I know somewhere in there you heard my sigh of relief... Concussions are running a muck nowadays!)

Did I mention that my son has to be at football practice and on the field by 6:20 AM since it's been 200 degrees here in Texas? (Okay, maybe not 200 degrees but 200 and 115 feel about the same.) I get up at 4 AM to get him there and I'm at work by 6:35 AM. Starbucks is my best friend!

A football layout, pictures and video are coming soon!
